Friday, August 03, 2007

L'end of the semaine

Here we are again, braking slowly as we pull up to the highway checkpoint that is Friday.

Although this checkpoint is GREAT AS I CAN SLEEP IN TOMORROW!

My entire week is filled with mornings where I count down to the next sleep in. Depressing I know, but I only have four months (eek! Yay!) of my job left before I spread my wings and fly to the hot desert-ed and tax-free nest of the Middle East.

In other news.. ok so there's no other news.

I'm actually kind of excited (in a really, really uncool way) as my yr 10s have been doing their subject selections for yr 11 and talking about uni, so I've put together a lecture that I can give them in the 'lecture theatre' at school (pfft, sif!) and they're SO excited cos they'll be like uni girls and then afterwards we'll have a little tutorial. You see? This is why I need a little holiday!

Ok enough of my uncoolness.


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