Thursday, August 09, 2007

Being a girl

It's so hard being a girl. I'm not sure if it's a uniquely female thing, but as soon as I hear news I want to share it. I'm actually pretty good at keeping secrets. I can be trusted with a great deal, however when it's small snippets of extra juicy goss I just HAVE to pass it on.

I read about research that was done a few years ago about gossip, and how it's actually healthy (when it's not in a malicious way) for girls because it builds a sense of community and acceptance. It's definitely our way of bonding, which is clearly why we're so good at it. Now I'm brimming full of juicy news from today and I have no one to tell it to, and its seriously killing me.

Yes, it's a tough job being a girl, but I LOVE it!

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