Wednesday, April 11, 2007

26 and one day

Yes the rumours are true... I am now 26 years old! I know that sounds so old but I don't feel that old and I guess that's what counts.

Anyway my birthday was pretty uneventful, just hung out in the city and caught up with my brother and his gf at Fed Square before they went to the Chili Peppers :( It really should have been me going, but it wasn't to be.

We went out with all the parents last night for tea for our birthdays (Happy birthday Josh!) which was lucrative and enjoyable.

Dad and Susie stayed with us over the weekend and talking to them has completely motivated us in our travel plans for 2008 so that's the next thing we have to get organised! (after moving house).

Sorry this has been such a boring post but my brain is still snoozing so I'll leave it here!



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