Tuesday, September 11, 2007

You know it really does have quite an effect.

People (well, boys and mean girls) often criticise girls who 'break nails'.

You always see on B and C grade movies some football jock/high school bully/peevish loser/bitter virginal male jeering at girls who are upset, teasing "what happened? Break a nail?"

Ugh. Sooooooo lame.

What people don't understand is that in the case of REAL nails breaking, it friggin' hurts.

In the case of FAKE nails breaking, the shrivelled, pale and weakened real nail underneath looks flaky and munted, not a pretty sight. And it's a massive annoyance cos you have to hide this munted nail under a bandaid while flashing around your other nine sexy porn-star nails.

Last night as I was drying myself after my shower, I felt this unnatural bend on my finger nail. My whole fakey was coming off!!

With a quick clip of the nail-clippers my middle left fingernail was revealed in all it's dishevelled glory.

'Check it out!' I yelled to my beloved, waving my nudey fingernail in his face. He was mildly fascinated, but I didn't get the reaction I wanted (or deserved).

It was truly amazing, and now I am completely divided whether or not to keep up the fakies or embrace my boring old naturals, and start doing the manis again!

What EVER will become of me!!! :)

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